Track Titan is an app specially made for sim racing that works in the background to analyse your lap times and provides detailed information to help you understand where you can improve in each sector.

It uses some fantastic visuals showing throttle maps, top speeds and braking zones and gives you your lap comparison VS the theoretical best lap.

It also shows the optimal driving lines through each corner and you can quickly see if you need to adjust your lines slightly or significantly!
Track Titan also offers driving tips and general guides in the form of videos that you can watch over and over again then put it into action in whatever choice of sim you prefer to drive.
The videos are there to help with specific tracks and there is also a video to help you get faster in ACC.
This really is a great tool if you are new to the world of sim racing.
If you want to try out Track Titan for yourself, Buzzzinghornet visitors can get a great discount! Head over and sign up now